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Are you a customer of KGD Decorating Services? Want to share your experiences with others? Then please do so below. Simply enter your details in the following boxes and select the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA field. Whilst we do require your FULL name, we will ONLY DISPLAY YOUR INITIALS.
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- By submitting this review, you are giving permission for us to display this information on our website.
- We will NOT display your full name, only your initials and residential area.
- We review all the submitted reviews to weed out any nonsense submissions, etc. Only after the review is approved will it appear on our pages.
- The submission form automatically tidies the text up a little, removing uppercase words and things for the sake of continuity and neatness.
- We reserve the right to edit out any words that we feel may offend others, or to clarify data that might otherwise confuse, though we will strive to leave your message in its original state.
- Whilst we appreciate your providing this review, we cannot guarantee to use it.